This is a tool for RPG story design  

Nolan Locke's Exquisite Corpse is a fully illustrated book that introduces you to RPG story design. You'll explore story components and elements that you can combine in any order to craft an exciting and unique game for your players. You can use this book regardless of what game you play — it's about the story; not the rules.

The mad mariner Nolan Locke guides you through this book and his flooded world known as Weiroads. What he remembers is often clouded — you'll get to decide which of his stories are true. You'll get to build your own version of Weiroads and a fully developed story within this grimdark world.

What's inside 

In addition to the story design guides, this 277-page book includes:

  • 39 Highly detailed ship battle maps for 8 unique ships

  • 30 Interconnected characters with illustrations and backgrounds 

  • 30 Unique items with illustrations and lore

  • 30 Monsters with illustrations and lore

  • 3 Cities unique to Weiroads with cultural, political, and religious backgrounds

  • 3 Unique environments with illustrations, lore, and hex-crawl maps 

  • A new world to explore and customize 

  • Tons of rollable tables for more world-building  

The world of Weiroads 

The broken continents and disparate islands of Weiroads are cursed by dead gods and heretic kings. Folks dwell in ancient cities clinging to the last of the high ground or else cleave to their ships to survive.

You can explore environments like The Breathing Stones and sail to Vadaros for a bounty.

The ship battlemaps 

The book comes with 8 ships with unique lore, tons of illustrations, and 39 detailed battlemaps ready for VTT or print.


You'll get 30 interconnected characters with backgrounds and illustrations. You can use these characters as written or customize them for your own story.


In Weiroads, magic items are called "relics," and this book includes 27 of them. Each is illustrated and includes lore written to inspire your next quest.


No RPG is complete without something lurking in the dark — this book includes 27 monsters like the Zin Kibaru that you can customize to fit into your story.